It’s a quarter after one, I’m all alone and I need you now

Take a line from a song that you love or connect with. Now forget the song, and turn that line into the title or inspiration for your post.

It’s a quarter after one, I’m all alone and I need you now

—From Lady Antebellum


When it’s late night, you cannot sleep.

When it’s late night, you are weary and spent because those tons of work around you.

When it’s late night, your mind condenses to a peaceful and calm state where you find yourself is being so quite not daring to say a word.

When it’s late night, you see through the window watching cars and people passing by.

When it’s late night, you are in your room noticing the street lamp is glittering in the rain unsteadily.

When it’s late night, you see the darkness outside your house.

When it’s late night, you stop doing the things that you’re originally dealing with.

When it’s late night, you start feeling alone.

When it’s late night, you know you start missing someone.


Late night refers to whatever you think. To me, late night is loneliness and tiredness in which I even don’t consider to go to bed. A quarter after one, from ” Need You Now ” of Lady Antebellum, well, it’s a time when most people are sleeping and things are ceasing from hustle, bustle and loudness. Everyone including you and me, is tend to be feeling alone at a quarter after one and missing and waiting for someone, to appear, to enter your life.


So admit it, we are all waiting for someone. For those who may not really exist, for  those who may be losing in his or her way in the journey of looking for you, for those who can truly understand you, appreciate you and accept you. We are waiting for him or her, no matter what.


And the encounter can be a little bit quicker and you and him or her can meet a little bit sooner, only if you too step one single feet forward. 🙂


About jacklama320

你的双眸,深邃至不可测。 你身上的芳香,仿似沾染了整个世界的馥郁。 你的身骨,还有姿容,如同叫人心痛的笑靥。 你的站立如此缓慢,我不忍心兀自奔离。 View all posts by jacklama320

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